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Parent & Student Information

The Lauderdale County School System Transportation Department's goal is to provide safe, reliable, and efficient transportation services that enrich the lives of the students, families, and communities we serve in Lauderdale County.

Parents and students should be aware that the sole purpose of a school bus is to transport students safely to and from school. Since the school bus driver carries this heavy burden of responsibility, the school bus is considered an extension of the classroom, and all Lauderdale County Board of Education rules apply. The following guidelines are to be followed when riding the bus. Any student not abiding by these guidelines may be subject to discipline as outlined in the Lauderdale County School System Parent/Student Handbook 2023-2024.

It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to study, inquire and understand the policies and rules of the LCBOE. Parents or guardians are to ensure that their students know and obey all rules and procedures; respect the driver and respect the rights and safety of other students.