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Become A Registered Vendor

How To Become A Registered Vendor with
The Lauderdale County Board of Education

Vendors must register with the Assistant Superintendent in order to receive solicitations to bid. To register, please send a letter on your company letterhead detailing the products and/or services your company provides and also reference the appropriate Commodity Class/Subclass Code that is used by the State of Alabama. These codes may be obtained from the Alabama Department of Finance website. Be sure to include all addresses, points of contact, phone numbers and, if applicable, email addresses where you would want solicitations to be sent to.

Your letter may be mailed to the following address:

Lauderdale County Schools 
Attn: John Mansell
355 County Road 61 (35634) 
P.O. Box 278 (35631) 
Florence, AL

You may also fax your letter to: (256) 766-5815