A. Nutrition Education
1. Nutrition education will be incorporated into the curriculum as required by federal, state, and local mandates at all grade levels.
2. Nutrition information will be provided to the school staff, students, and parents to promote better health, nutrition, and exercise.
3. Each school will provide a minimum of one in-service activity each year that emphasizes the importance of health, nutrition, and exercise.
4. The child nutrition program will continue to provide new information to the schools to ensure compliance with new nutritional guidelines.
5. School administrators will be responsible for compliance with the nutrition standards for the school store, vending machines, and school sales. Compliance with new mandates will be timely scheduled.
B. Health Education and Life Skills
1. Physical education programs shall be in compliance with the Alabama State Department of Education’s Course of Study.
2. Healthy living skills shall be taught as part of the regular instructional program and provide an opportunity for all students to understand and practice concepts and skills related to health promotion and disease prevention.
3. Students shall be taught to understand and respect the differences in others and how to build positive interpersonal relations.
4. Teachers will be good role models by making healthy food choices at school and by reinforcing the importance of good nutrition and physical activity.
C. Health Services
1. School nurses shall be provided at each school as needed to provide health services, screenings, and administering prescribed medications.
2. The Lauderdale County School System will work with health agencies in the communities to promote health and wellness for students, families, staff, and community.
D. Evaluation
1. A system health advisory committee will be responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of this program. The committee will be made up of the principal or assistant principal, school nurse, CNP director, and the wellness center director.
2. A checklist evaluation form will be developed and used to ensure compliance. Please go to www.lcschools.org website under Child Nutrition to participate in the survey.